J&K Prison Department DGP Hemant Kumar Lohia was found dead at his Jammu home with injuries on his body on Monday , 3rd October. The investigating Police suspect Lohia’s domestic help, Yasir, is the main culprit and arrested him. Meanwhile , Lashkar-e-Taiba’s Indian offshoot, the People’s Anti-Fascist Force (PAFF), has claimed responsibility for the killing of Jammu and Kashmir DGP (Prisons Department) Hemant Kumar Lohia.

In a press release, terror outfit PAFF said, “Our special squad carried out an intelligence based operation in Udaiwala, Jammu, eliminating DG of police, prisons department HK Lohia, a high value target.” The PAFF has claimed all recent terror attacks in Jammu and Kashmir, including attacks on non-locals. Threatening to carry out more such high-profile operations, the terror group warned that it can “strike anytime and anywhere with precision”. “This is a small gift to their visiting Home Minister amid such a security grid,” the PAFF said, referring to Amit Shah who is on a three-day visit to Jammu and Kashmir.

Director General of Police Dilbag Singh said preliminary examination of the crime scene indicated that the killer had first suffocated Lohia to death and also used a broken ketchup bottle to slit his throat. He later attempted to set ablaze the body of 57-year-old Lohia.