Canada, Australia, and New Zealand are all constitutional monarchies, with political systems that are oriented in a way that the new monarch of the UK would have become their head of state as part of the usual process. These countries have announced that King Charles who succeeded Queen Elizabeth to the British throne on Saturday (September 10), will be their head of state as well. The Commonwealth realm is a group of 14 countries (not including the United Kingdom) that recognise the British monarch as their head of state — a position that is explicitly stated in the constitution and laws of some of these countries.

On behalf of the Government of Canada, we affirm our loyalty to Canada’s new King, His Majesty King Charles III, and offer him our full support,” Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said in a statement. From New Zealand, Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern participated in the Proclamation of Accession for the King on the steps of the country’s Parliament along with Governor General Cindy Kiro and Speaker Adrian Rurawhe whereas From Australia, Governor General David Hurley proclaimed King Charles as head of state at Parliament House, accompanied by a 21-gun salute.