Warning 2 is an upcoming Punjabi action and thriller movie. The movie is directed by Amar Hundal and produced by Gippy Grewal under the banner of Yoodlee Films, Saregama and Humble Motion Pictures. The main cast includes Gippy Grewal, Rahul Dev, Jasmin Bhasin, Prince Kanwaljit Singh, Dheeraj Kumar and Raghveer Boli. The movie is scheduled to be released on 2 February 2024.

Release Date2 February 2024
GenreAction, Drama & Thriller
DirectorAmar Hundal
CastGippy Grewal, Rahul Dev, Jasmin Bhasin, Prince Kanwaljit Singh, Dheeraj Kumar & Raghveer Boli
WriterGippy Grewal
ProducerGippy Grewal
ProductionYoodlee Films, Saregama and Humble Motion Pictures

In 2021, “Warning” was released by Gippy Grewal. The movie was received a huge smash and lot of praise. Now the producer Gippy Grewal teases the sequel to his latest film Warning, starring Dheeraj Kumar and Prince Kanwaljit Singh, on social media following the film’s enormous reception.

The plot of Warning 2 revolves around several thugs who desire retribution. Geja shows up in the same jail as Pamma to do the job after missing Pamma’s assassination attempt. When a vicious police officer seeks to transfer all the violent inmates to a jail in Rajasthan, things take a tragic turn.

Gippy Grewal penned the movie poster while sharing it, “ਮਿਆਨ ਇੱਕ ਤੇ ਤਲਵਾਰਾਂ ਚਾਰ …. ਖੜਕਾ ਤਾਂ ਹਊਗਾ Date Note Kar Lao Warning 2 di #22 july 2022”. But now the movie will be available in theaters the next year on 2 February 2024.

Following the release of the poster, people’s excitement for this film is growing. Comments about Gippy Grewal and Prince Kanwaljit Singh’s gratitude are being made on social media. It demonstrates their individuality and engaging style.

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