
On number 7 is song named “Badmashi” which is sung by superstar Sukhshinder Shinda feat. deep jandu. Music is by Deep Jandu and lyrics are written by Mintoo Hayer. This song has been liked by audience and is currently on number 7.


On number 6 this week is Amrit Maan’s track “Supreme” which is written by Amrit Mann himself. The music is by none other than Mrxci and this song is from EP “Expensive”.



On number 5 this week is Arjan dhillon , the most loved and preferred young singer and lyricist who has become favourite of people these days with his various tracks. This track 25-25 is written and sung by Arjan a dhillon and music is by Mxrci.


Shubh who has become sensation for youngsters with his different beats and vibe of the songs is back with his another track “her” which is on number 4. Singer , lyrics and composer of this song is shubh and music by vital studios.

3.Munda Sardaran Da

On number is yet again young singerJordan sandhu’s track Munda Sardaran Da which features Sweetaj Brar. The music is by Flamme music and lyrics are written by Shree Brar. This song has been on top charts since last week too.

2.On Top

On number second ,this week is Karan Aujla with his track “On Top”. Audience has shown so much love to this song and it’s continue to be in top charts.The music of the song is given by Yeah Proof whereas the lyrics and composer is Karan Aujla himself .

1.Hazur Arjan Dhillon

Yet again , undoubtedly the most listened song of this week has been bagged by amazingly talented Arjan Dhillon for his song Hazur . The music is given by Mrxci and lyrics are by Arjan Dhillon himself . This song has been on top 1 since last few weeks.